Christadelphians are a worldwide group of Christians whose aim is to follow as closely as possible the teachings of Jesus and his Apostles. The name ‘Christadelphian’ comes from two Greek words that mean ‘brothers in Christ’. We are a lay community. All the members of our community contribute their time and energy voluntarily in service to God, and a strong common faith, hope and love bind us together (see ‘Our Beliefs’). As individuals we endeavour to read the whole Bible at least once each year and to live by the principles which are expressed therein by our Creator.
Some Christadelphian congregations, such as ours at Lutwyche in Brisbane Queensland, have their own church buildings; some smaller congregations hold their services in hired halls, whilst others meet together in homes. Each congregation is called an ‘ecclesia’, which is the New Testament word for ‘church’ and our Sunday service is called the Memorial Meeting.
Most ecclesias have a regular Sunday School or Youth Group. At Lutwyche we have Young People’s Class (YPC). Christadelphians can attend various Bible study weekends, held on a local, state, national and international level, where we enjoy fellowship and friendship both in the study of God’s Word and in the social activities. We own and operate retirement homes, nursing homes and schools in several states of Australia and we provide assistance in various forms to people living in poverty in overseas countries including Africa, India and The Philippines. In addition many Christadelphians are involved in Mission work both in Australia and overseas.
Our regular program includes the following activities:
Memorial Meeting each Sunday at the Hall, 456 Lutwyche Rd, Lutwyche, Brisbane.
Weekly Bible Study Classes are held each Wednesday in the rear hall at Lutwyche.
Many other spiritual and social activities held throughout the year.
We invite you to contact us via the form on the Location and Meeting Times page on this website if you would like to join us in any of these activities or if you are interested in obtaining further information about our community and beliefs.
Christadelphians: A Brief History
Many believers since the apostles have held the same faith as the Christadelphians. There have been countless independent communities around the world who have eagerly studied the Bible and accepted its simple teachings.
The name ‘Christadelphian’ came into existence during the mid-1800’s. In 1830, an English physician named John Thomas sailed to America. On the voyage, the ship met some unexpected bad weather and nearly sank. For the first time, Dr Thomas faced the reality of his own mortality and was dismayed to discover that he was not sure what lay beyond death. In the midst of the storm, he vowed that, should he survive, he would not rest until he had found a satisfactory answer.
He did survive and kept his vow, beginning a life-long search for the truth. It soon became evident to him that many of the doctrines that were popularly taught and believed were inconsistent with the Bible. Dissatisfied, Dr Thomas devoted himself to a careful independent study of the Scriptures. He made no claim to any vision or personal revelation.
The work of Dr Thomas attracted the support of others in America and Britain who were convinced of the truth of his conclusions. Together they formed the Christadelphian community. Since then, Christadelphian ecclesias (churches) have continued to be established in many countries all over the world.
BBC Documentaries
For an unbiased impartial overview of the Christadelphian faith, history and our way of life, check out this BBC article.
A Declaration of the Truth
Download a free booklet outlining our beliefs with chapter and verse proofs.
The Bible Reading Companion
Reading a few chapters every day, this Bible reading plan guides you through the New Testament twice and the Old Testament once per year.